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Explorer CV

With our programmed tours, we will offer you the best choice of visiting our land and the desire to know more will grow in you and the visit to the Valencian Community will be the first in a series of trips to discover and explore our rich cultural, artistic, human and cultural heritage


Our Tours

On private or collective trips, designed a la carte for you, you will always have us at your disposal to advise you and offer you the best alternatives, according to your needs.

Explore the Valencian Community with us!

When we think about traveling we always want to get to know a destination as deeply as possible, interact with its people, discover new places and immerse ourselves in the culture of the place we visit. To do this, we always think that the ideal would be to meet someone from the destination who can show us those places that, normally, most tourists do not access and that are the ones that give added value to the travel experience.

For us, travel is an experience of immersion and knowledge, not just arriving at a place, making a “click” and running away. It is seeing the destination through the eyes of its residents and understanding why cities and towns are the way they have come to us, the result of a landscape evolution brought about, in most cases, by human beings.


We believe in the quality of Tourism and for this we combine the word “Travel” in all its possible forms to give our clients and friends arguments so that they get to know and love a land of which we feel proud to belong to it: the Valencian Community.

There are many places that, in a few minutes, will transport us from the bustling cities to the calm and tranquility of the countryside, admiring small waterfalls, hidden places and routes of once flourishing towns and the scene of relevant historical events. Even large cities hide places that only “slow tourism” and shrewd eyes can discover, while the rest of the inhabitants pass by without paying them much attention, either because of everyday life or because they are unaware of the true history they contain.

We want to help you feel all those sensations and recover the sense of classic travel, adapting to all your tastes and needs. Investing in travel is an investment that will give us a sensation that no other experience can give us as it broadens our intellect and makes us embrace different cultures and, in the Valencian Community, we know a lot about that.

From the first settlers and their cave paintings in different shelters throughout the Levant, to the Phoenician, Greek, Roman, etc. remains, spread throughout the region, without forgetting the Modernist times and their magnificent legacy or the great buildings of the era. modern, authentic milestones of current architecture, the Valencian Community offers everything that someone could look for from a historical point of view.


The Valencian Community has been and is the cradle of great people who left their mark on national and world history: Vicente Blasco Ibáñez (1867 – 1928), Luis García Berlanga (1921 – 2010), Rodrigo Borgia, Pope Alexander VI (1431 – 1503), Joaquín Sorolla (1863 – 1923), or current ones, such as Javier Mariscal, Santiago Calatrava or Juan Carlos Ferrero.

And not because they are less known, less important, like the romantic writer Amàlia Fenollosa; Balbina Medrano, the first councilor of the Valencia City Council later forced into exile; the artist Manuela Ballester, who lived in the shadow of Josep Renau; Juana Francés from Alicante, the first Spanish painter to delve into avant-garde abstraction; Olga Poliakoff, pioneer in teaching dance from her Valencia academy; actresses like Amparo Rivelles and Ana Duato or Concha Piquer.

Without forgetting its rich and varied gastronomy, since not everything is paella, the star dish. There is an immense variety of rice dishes depending on the area (mixed paella, seafood, baked rice, crusted rice, mountain rice, etc.), Essential are the “cocas”, the “Tombet” and the “Olla de la Plana” and the seafood from Santa Pola, Denia or Vinaroz. The Albufera lamprey, the cauldron and the octopus from Tabarca and all the delicious pastries of the area, in many cases inherited from the Arabs.

It would be long and lengthy to list all the dishes of such a varied Gastronomy but, depending on your time and your needs, we can make you try many of the tasty dishes of the region.


This is the perfect chance to get away from your routine and see the best views of these amazing places, take beautiful photos and simply to relax!

Ryan Howard

Ryan Howard


It was exciting for me to try something new and finally get on that tour to Niagara Falls – I appreciate the excellent service and the awesome people!

Sean Matthews

Sean Matthews


What a great way to escape your city for a weekend with a friend! Thanks a lot for the amazing tours and awesome guides – you know your audience!

John Walker

John Walker


I loved the adventure that we had during our last tour! Thank you for the wonderful trip programs and photos that carry the most amazing memories!

Jessica Moore

Jessica Moore

Art Director

Explorer CV Es un Proyecto creado y desarrollado por: Altea Travel y Matinal Tours

Matinal Tours
Tfno. 965 200 308

Altea Travel
Tfno. 965 845 219

Copy right Altea Travel & Matinal Tours

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